Gas and oil producers, gas processing plants



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CHETA LLC The company Reference list Gas and oil producers, gas processing plants
Gas and oil producers, gas processing plants Print
LLC “NOVATEK-Yurkharovneftegaz” Yurkharovskoe field construction, second construction stage 2PTS-630 kVA, 2PTS for outdoor installation -1000 kVA, MCC panels with withdrawable modules
Pionerny production infrastruction facilities development at Salmanovskoe (Utrennee) OGCF MCC panels with withdrawable modules Closed SwitchGear-6 kV — 2 sets 2PTS-400/6/0,4 kV, MCC-0,4 kV, Closed SwitchGear-6 kV
LLC “NOVATEK-Purovskiy gas condensate refinings plant” First construction stage 2PTS for outdoor installation-400 kVA, 2PTS for outdoor installation-630 kVA
Second construction stage 2PTS for outdoor installation-1000 kVA, 2PTS for outdoor installation-1600 kVA, 2PTS for outdoor installation-3150 kVA, MCC with withdrawable modules
Third construction stage 2PTS for units-2500 kVA, 2 PTS for units-630 kVA, 2PTS for outdoor installation-400 kVA, 2PTS for outdoor installation-630 kVA
LLC “NOVATEK-Tarkosalenneftegaz” Infrastruction facilities development of Vostochno-Tarkosalinskoe field MCC panels, Gas Air Cooling Unit, LVCD in block-modular building
OJSC «Yamal LNG» Fuel, oils and lubricants upper depot. Construction of complex for mining, treatment, liquefaction of gas, CNG and gas condensate delivery of Yuzhno-Tambeyskoe GCF. Drilling slurry recycling facilities 2CCTSА-1000 kVA, 2CCTSА-2000 kVA-2000С/6/0,4 kV
Yuzhno-Tambeyskoe GCF 2PTS-2500, 2PTS-1000, MCC panels
OJSC «Arktikgaz» Samburgskoe OGCF Yaroyakhtinskoe OGCF Achimovskie sediments of Urengoyskoe field Samburgskiy license block 2CCTSА-1600 kVA, 2PTS for outdoor installation in block-modular building-1250 kVA, 2PTS for outdoor installation-400 kVA, 2PTS for outdoor installation-1600 kVA, block-modular building with step up transformers, Automated Capacitor Unit, MCC panels, LVCD
CJSC «Geotransgaz» Senomanskoe deposit and Valazhinskie deposits of Beregovoe GCF infrastructure facilities development. GTU 2CCTSА-1000 kVA, 2CCTSА-1600 kVA, MCC in block-modular building, MCC panels, impending-matching transformers blocks 10/6 kV
Salym Petroleum Development Cluster of wells 1В, 1ВС, 2, 4, 6, 12, 13, 14, 21, 25, 27, 50, 51, 52, 53, 56, 58, 61, 63, 102, 103, 109, 112, 114, 125, 126, 151 2PTS for outdoor installation-2500 kVA, 2PTS for outdoor installation-1000 kVA, 2PTS for outdoor installation-1250 kVA, 2PTS for outdoor installation-1250/35/0,4 kV, block-modular buildings with MCC
Reconstruction of Substation «Zapadno-Salymskaya» 110/35 kV Closed SwitchGear-35 kV in block-modular building, Relay protection and Automation cabinets
CJSC “Yuzhno-Uralskaya Industrial company” Installation У196, У01 2PTS for outdoor installation-1000 kVA, 2PTS for outdoor installation-1600 kVA, MCC panels, Automated Capacitor Unit
OJSC «Surgutneftegaz» Central Production Facility, Booster Compression Station-2 Oil and Gas Production department «Talakanneft» of Talakanskoe field Booster compressor station Oil and Gas Production department «Bystrinskneft» and GTU Central Production Facility of Rogozhnikovskoe field Compressor Unit Automation System ТАКАТ
CJSC “Sibneftegaz” Pyreynoe field Senomanskoe deposit infrastructure facilities development. GTU. Shift camp 2PTS for outdoor installation-160 kVA, 2PTS for outdoor installation-250 kVA, 2PTS for outdoor installation-1250 kVA, 2PTS for outdoor installation-250 kVA, MCC panels and DC Board
CJSC “Severneftegazprom” Yuzhno-Russkoe OGCF: GTU, Booster compressor station 2PTS for units-1600 kVA, 2PTS for units-1000 kVA, MCC panels, Automated Capacitor Unit
CJSC “Tatneft” LLC «Tatneftegazpererabotka» MCC panels
CJSC “Sibur” OJSC «Belozerny Gas Treatment Plant» MCC panels
Vyngapurovskiy Gas Treatment Plant. Fire-water supply Pump Station MCC panels
TNK-BP OJSC «Samotlorneftegaz» MCC panels
OJSC «Orenburgneft» Compressor Units Control Panels ТАКАТ 50.07
Constrcution of Pokrovskoe GTU OJSC «Orenburgneft» MCC panels
CJSC «TNK-Nyagan» Preliminary water removal Unit Booster pump station-1 at Kamennyy license block OGCF Compressor Unit Control Panels ТАКАТ
LLC «LUKOIL-Komi» CS of sulfur free petroleum gas at Usinskiy GPP. CS of Hariyaginskoe field LVCD panel for Compressor Unit ТАКАТ, MCC panels
Infrastructure facilities development of Yuzhno-Yuriyakhinskoe oil field for pilot production. Yuzhno-Yuriyakhinskaya Booster pump station MCC panels
Gas Disposal System at Severo-Kozhvinskaya group of fields MCC panels
Reservoir Pressure Maintenance Configuration management at Verkhne-Gayyskoe field. Engineering utilities MCC panels
LLC «Lukoil-Zapadnaya Sibir» Engineering preproduction «Kogalymneftegaz» Instrument and telecommunication shelter Automation System
Engineering preproduction «Povkhneftegaz». Preliminary water removal Unit Booster pump station-4, Vacuum Compressor Station Booster pump station-5, Booster pump station-5П of Povkhovskoe field, Booster pump station-6 Vatieganskoe field Technological Process Automated Control System
LLC «LUKOIL-Perm» Booster pump station-1102 of Univinskoe field LVCD in block-modular building
CJSC “Samara-Naphta” Oil Treatment Structure MCC panels, PLC
OJSC “Bashneft” Low Pressure Compressor Station «Kirsko-Kottynski» Compressor Units Automation System ТАКАТ 10.07
LLC «RN-Purneftegaz» CS №1 Preliminary water removal Unit and №2 Main Transfer Pumping Station-Booster pump station-3 Barsukovskaya Group of Fields CS of Novo-Purpeyskoe field CS №3 of Verkhne-Purpeyskoe field CS №4 of Zapadno-Purpeyskoe field CS №6 of Vostochno-Yangtinskoe field CS №7 of Severo-Komsomolskoe field Compressor Unit Automation System ТАКАТ
Collection, preparation, compression and injection of petroleum gas into reservoir PK-1 from Kharampurskaya group of fields. Infrastructure ground surface facilities development. Site of Booster compressor station with Gas Processing Facility 2CCTS-1600С
Cluster of wells № 15B of Festivalnoe field PTS for outdoor installation-1000 kVA
OJSC «Gazpromneft-Noyabrsk­neftegaz» Sugmutskoe field, area of Booster pump station-2 (Booster pump station-3), Automated Control System of Technological Process Gas-lift Compressor Station Engineering preproduction «Muravlenkovsk-neft» Compressor Unit Automation System ТАКАТ
Preliminary water removal Unit at Booster pump station-5 of Vyngapurovskoe oil field LVCD in block-modular building, MCC panel
Reconstruction of Preliminary water removal Unit at Booster pump station-2 of Vyngapurovskoe oil field MCC panels
Booster pump station-1 for Oil Low Separation Stage Oil-dissolved gas disposal system of Vyngapurovskoe field Switchgear electrical module, LVCD panel
LLC «Gazpromneft-Khantos» Process Facilities Development of Southern part of Priobskoe field. Booster pump station-7 with Preliminary water removal Unit LVCD in block-modular building
Process Facilities Development of Southern part of Priobskoe field 2PTS for outdoor installation-1250/35/0,4 kV
LLC «Gazpromneft-Razvitie» Development of experimental industrial divisions of Novoportovskoe field for period of pilot operation. Обустройство куста скважин №2 на м. Каменный 2PTS for outdoor installation-1600 kVA
LLC «Taas-Yuryakh Neftegazdobycha» Main Transfer Pumping Station of Sredneboturbinskoe OGCF Compressor Unit Automation System
LLC «RN-Yuganskneftegaz» Priobskoe oil field 2PTS for outdoor installation-1000 kVA
Main Transfer Pumping Station-2 of Priobskoe field Oil Center Processing Facility-4 of Yuzno-Surgutskoe field CS CODAP Line Operation Control Station «Yuzhnyy Balyk» Compressor Unit Automation System ТАКАТ
Gas disposal system of Ugutskaya cluster of fields. Gas processing, collection and transportation department-6. Northern part of Pravdinskoe oil field facilities construction LVCD in block-modular building. Compressor Unit Automation System ТАКАТ
Priobskoe field, cluster of wells 220 2PTS for outdoor installation-1600 kVA
Enrichment of Preliminary water removal Unit at Booster pump station-4 of Malobalykskoe oil field 2PTS for outdoor installation-630 kVA
Booster pump station-5 with Preliminary water removal Unit of Malobalykskoe oil field 2PTS for outdoor installation-1000 kVA. PTS with LVCD in block-modular building. Compressor Unit Automation System ТАКАТ
Compressor station of low phases Booster pump station-2 with Preliminary water removal Unit of Kinyminskoe field 2PTS for outdoor installation-630 kVA
Booster pump station reconstruction of Obminskoe field. 1st commissioning and start-up complex. On-site energy utilities 2PTS-630 kVA
Booster compressor station of Fainskoe field Compressor Unit Automation System ТАКАТ
Preliminary water removal Unit at Booster pump station Obminskoe field Compressor Unit Automation System ТАКАТ
Booster pump station-4 of Prirazlomnoe field Compressor Unit Automation System ТАКАТ
Booster pump station-2 with Preliminary water removal Unit of Kinyminskoe field Compressor Unit Automation System ТАКАТ
OJSC «Vankorneft» Maintenance depot of Vankorskoe oil field MCC panels
Enrichment of Vankorskoe field grounf infrastructure development Archives building single point mooring of Vankorskoe field. Multiple-well platform 3 bis Block-modular building 2PTS-400/10/0,4 kV, Block-modular building 2PTS-1000/6/0,4 kV
OJSC «Tomsk-neft» Construction of Krapivinskoe oil field. Enrichment of cluster zone of wells №12 LVCD in block-modular building
Gas compressor station of Vakhskoe oil field – Central heating station of Sovetskoe oil field. Pipeline retrofitting of Strezhevskiy region LVCD in block-modular building
CJSC «Nortgaz» Construction of gas-condensate reservoirs of Eastern bulge of Severo-Urengoyskoe field for the period of early life of field. GTU-2. Deatanization installation craft of western bulge control system of GCF. Foam extinguishing pumping station of universal deviding head for western bulge control system of GCF. Care and maintenance base area at GTU1 for western bulge control system of GCF. Control system of GCF at eastern bulge. GTU-2 of unstable condensate pumping station MCC, LVCD in block-modular building, 2PTS for units-2500С6/0,4 kV, 2PTS for units-630С/6/0,4 kV, 2PTS for outdoor installation-630/6/0,4 kV, Distribution Substation-Transformer Substation-6/0,4 kV
LLC «SN-Gazdobycha» Construction of Ust-Silginskoe GCF: - GTU. Electrical heating control module MCC panels
- Water-catchment plant LVCD module
ТОО «Zhaikmunai» Uralsk City, KZ Chinarevskoe OGCF 2PTS for outdoor installation-630 kVA, 1000 kVA, MCC panels, MCC in block-modular building, Metal-Clad SwitchGear-10 kV in block-modular building, Metal-Clad SwitchGear-35 kV, Metal-Clad SwitchGear-35 kV, Metal-Clad SwitchGear-10 kV, Metal-Clad SwitchGear-6 kV, PTS-1600/10/0,4 kV, automatic dispatcher technological control system, Differential Busbar Protection cabinet, Digital Network cabinet, Differential Line Protection cabinet, Differential Transformers protection and Crude Tank Farm cabinets, Differential Protection cabinet
Field camp PTS in block-modular building-2500/35/10 kV with Metal-Clad SwitchGear-10 kV, MCC in block-modular building
ТОО «Mangistaumunaygaz» Aktau City, Kazakhstan Kalamkas field MCC in block-modular building
ТОО «KazakhOil Aktobe» GTU for Kozhasay field GTU for Alibekmola field MCC panels, MCC in block-modular building
Public company «RD «KazMunayGaz» Motor depots at Kalamkas and Karazhanbas fields 2PTS-1600 kVA, PTS-1000 kVA
CJSC «Oil Company Dulisma CPF at Dulisminskoe field Technological Process Automated Control System for fresh water pumping station
Dulisminskoe OGCF Compressor Unit Automation System ТАКАТ
LLC Gazpromneft Vostok Kargaossky and Parabelsky areas. Licensee block 87 Compressor Unit Automation System ТАКАТ 77.3-23М3
Public company Oil Company «Turgay Petroleum», Kyzyl-Orda City, Kazakhstan Kukmolskoe OGCF Technological Process Automated Control System for substation
Yargeo Construction of Yargeyskoe field Module of Electrical Linear Consumers, Module of Linear Consumers, LVCD in block-modular building, 2PTS-1000/10/0,4 kV, 2PTS-1600/10/0,4 kV, 2PTS-400/10/0,4 kV, 2PTS-630/10/0,4 kV, 2PTS-250/6/0,4 kV
Terneftegaz Construction of thermokarst GCF Electrical supply modular packaged unit
Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd. CNG plant electrical facilities Substation in block-modular building
Irkutskaya Neftyanaya Kompaniya Sulpur crude oil preparation installation unit with APG desulfurization of Yaraktinskoe OGCF SwitchGear-6 kV with PTS and LVCD in block-modular building
AO RNG East blocks, Srednebotuobinskoe OGCF, pad No. 1 Closed Switchgear-10 kV with substation control building, Closed Switchgear -35kV, 2PTS -1000/10/0,4 kV
LLC Gazprom-neft Novy port Novoportovskoe field MCC block boxes
CJSC Gazpromneft-NNG, bisness unit of Gazpromneft-Muravlenko Gazprom Neft Muravlenko LVCD
LLC Gazpromneft Razvitie business unit of Messoyaha Development of west Messoyaha field and east Messoyaha field PTS-2500, PTS-100, MCC block, substations 16000/35/10; 10000/35/10
CJSC International transshipment complex Aganneftegazgeologiya Roslavlskoe field MCC panels, Switchgear-6 kV
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